It’s our daughter and we do what we feel is right and best for us!!!

Jacey • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl👶🏻🎀 and a handsome baby boy 👶🏻💙 An Angel baby 👼🏻 & TTC # 4

So I’ll start by saying that my boyfriend and I are first time parents. I had my little girl on September 14,2017. During the first 2 months of her life she slept wonderfully in her bassinet beside our bed. Only waking every 2-3 hours to feed. Once she hit the 3 month mark she started to sleep terribly on her own. She would only stay in her bassinet for maybe 15 minutes tops no matter what we did. The loss of sleep started to take a big toll on my partner and me. So we just decided it would be best to allow her to just co-sleep in our bed with us. I know it’s not the safest thing, but something had to give. She is ebf and not only has it made her middle of the night feedings easier, but she now sleeps so much better and we now all get the rest we all need. I still try to put her sleeping in her bassinet and at times she will stay asleep in it, but other times she wont. Well my boyfriend’s mother loves to make the snarky comments and snarky faces along with her comments of how now she’ll be in our bed until she is 10 or what if y’all decide to have sex then what are y’all gonna do? It infuriates me to my very core because she didn’t really raise her children other members of the family did, so how does she feel it is okay for her to judge our methods of how we parent! Am I wrong for feeling so upset about this?