if you see a faint line....

does it mean a definate yes? Is it possible to get a false positive i tested yesterday all blank today on 3 different brands if tests all had faint lines. if I am please do wish me luck and lots if baby dust. I had stillbirth 8.10.16 @almost 37 weeks. followed by having a d&c; 8.3.17 due to missed miscarriage now here I am exactly same cycle I conceived last year. So there for if I am baby would be due same time as the one removed by d&c; at 12 weeks but was measuring at 6 weeks no hb. feel scared it has landed as it had. not to mention scared anyway as no time will be ok as I lost my angel boy 3 weeks before his due date so 12 weeks and 26 weeks don't mean nothing but a step nearer so who know how this will go I'm so scared and on edge. I'm on anti depressants too so going docs in the morning. please pray for me please pray I get to bring home this baby alive healthy and kicking.