Bursting cysts????? Haaaaalllpp

M. 🌻 • PCOS & Pregnant with our rainbow 🌈❣️🌻

Sooooo I posted last night how I’ve been extremely ill/uncomfortable the last few days.

I’m polycystic & so I get weird cramping often. Well the last 4 days it will feel like I have period cramps almost but more persistent and there’s a variation of pain then sometimes it’ll just disappear.

I’ve also been kind of dizzy, randomly nauseous, exhausted& have much less of an appetite.

I went to urgent care and they couldn’t do much, but she said I could have cysts bursting but it’s hard to say and the pregnancy test was negative. There is also a lot of pressure when I pee in my front like where cramps would be, but I was negative for any kind of infection.

Right now my pain has been consistent for a couple hours but I’m not in a lot of pain.

Idk I’m worried, the soonest appointment for my OBGYN is the 17th so I’m signed up for that. But should I be worried enough to go the hospital???

Im well aware people on here aren’t doctors. The ONLY reason I’m even asking is cause it’d be $500 for a hospital visit bc it’s the new year & my deductible hasn’t been met. I just don’t know what to do
