Am I pregnant?

I normally wouldn’t post anything about this but I’m just very worried! Sorry if this is TMI!

Note: I am 21 in February so I know I’m completely accountable for my actions.

The last time my boyfriend and I had sex was just before New Years <a href="">Eve</a> because we have been so busy and traveling! Anyway! My period was due 3-4 days ago and it never came.

Now the reason I’m worried is because usually if anything is out of the ordinary, my period would only be delayed by a day or it would be 1-2 days longer than I expect (my average period is 4 days). But what has happened is the day or 2 days after my period was meant to arrive, I got a bit of brown blood when I wiped after going to the bathroom. At first I thought it was weird but a little relieved thinking I got my period. A day or two before this started, I did get period cramps so I assumed everything was normal!

The next day after a few tampon changes, I stopped putting them in because all that was coming out was a little bit of brown blood which obviously looked like old blood.

Its now around the time that my period would have ended and I’m a little concerned. Every time I go to the bathroom and wipe, there will be the smallest hint of colour on the toilet paper usually the brownish colour, but very pale/ not that noticeable because there isn’t much there.

Like I said this is completely out of the ordinary for me, I do take the pill and my boyfriend usually pulls out, but could anyone tell me what happened with their bodies when they realised they were pregnant?? I’ve never really spoken to anyone who has experienced this and wanted to know how long I should wait before going for a test or to the doctor.

Please only helpful comments, I’m tired of all the negativity we have on each other!!

Thank you ❤️❤️