Distant boyfriend

So last time I posted something about my boyfriend that he didn’t want to get a job to help me pay my apartment as he was staying 24/7 at my place so with your advices I sent him back to his parents and now he acts very very distant I totally understand that he might be upset but now every time I ask him to hang out, he wants to stay at his parents for example this afternoon after eating with his parents I was not feeling good so I told him to take me back to my place and he didn’t even stay with me. He doesn’t text me or anything. I told him that tomorrow morning I had free time to help him apply to get a job etc but all he did was saying “yeah” with an annoyed tone. I think I did everything in my power to help him as I’m supposed to do as his girlfriend but I don’t get how a “grown ass man” can act as a child like this. I don’t know what to do.