Am I wrong???

Well, my husband has been smoking marijuana since we were dating. I can’t say I was lied to, but he portrayed it veeeery differently. He now smokes like 5 times a day, and I’ve been trying to help him. I begin to ask him to go to the psichyatrist a year ago, and he always find a way to not go.

We have been fighting so much, and yesterday I asked him to watch a boiling pot while I was going downstairs for HIS laundry (we live in a third floor), and he suddenly exploded and began telling me that I’m always behind his neck and telling him what to do, and that I’m “obliging” him to go to the doctor tomorrow (Monday) to make ME feel better!!!

Now suddenly I’m trying to help him because I want to feel better myself 🙄

He told me (yelling) that I’m in such a big depression that I am the one who needs to go to the shrink. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I told him that I wanted to go to my parents place for a while, and his answer was “well that’s mature” 😒

I literally cried my eyes out, and went on for a drive, I couldn’t think anymore.

Am I wrong? What should I do?