I’m so worried


I’m like.... wtf I’m 19 weeks and I only have 1 ultrasound when the baby was 8 weeks I saw the baby and everything the doctor said was that the baby is ok then... by that time only I saw the baby at 8 weeks then I heard the heart beat it was 160 and I heard it another time was 150 then we find out the sex by blood I’m having a boy I’m so happy about that cause I always wanted a boy but still not ultrasound I want to see my baby I want to see him moving and everything he always said that the baby is ok but I think how he knows if he doesn’t see him 🙄 so now he scheduled an sonogram for the 17 to see the baby but I’m like how he do that so many weeks like without seeing him idk is that normal ? Is that like that? This is my first baby