Opinions about Zika


We have a 7 day cruise which we planned almost a year ago....and we are traveling to places where there are Zika threats. I'm on the fence about going. We've of course already paid in full, time is approved off of work, and I believe its too late to purchase insurance for the trip. I will be 16 weeks at this time, and I know Royal Caribbean will not let you sail after 24 weeks so I am safe there. At my first appt, the nurse did not seem too concerned and I don't meet my doctor until Jan 18 (two weeks before we fly out). If I am taking proper precautions (preg safe bug spray, avoiding too much sun, probably not getting off the ship, no excursions) I am wondering if all will be fine. I have been very healthy this pregnancy, still exercising, eating healthy, resting as much as possible. But we are so excited for this trip, just don't want to completely cancel because of all of the hype. Any advice would be appreciated. (Nice advice, please) :)