Are You Allowed Here? Yes.

SkinnyWindex • I can fit my entire hand in a Pringles can, I like cats. Successful meme dealer. My Insta and snap are the same as my username here if you need me, *just let me know who you are*

This isn't controversial, but then again, neither is the trans community. Or any community, for that matter. Nobody has the right to debate the rights of a community on an app like this, or anywhere else. ANYONE is welcome here. As long as a user is following the rules, so what if they're here? Whether they have a period/pregnancy or not, that is solely their business and it is not up for debate. "Why are men here?" Well, sweetie, some men have periods. Some women have periods, other genders have periods. That's not your business. If someone is harassing you, report it. Don't paint everyone with the same brush because of your single life changing near death experience with someone other than a cisgendered person. Nobody has that right. Everyone is welcome, no matter their race, gender, sex, sexuality, or anything else that makes them the important, defined, unique individual that they are. Spread love, not bigotry. Dedicated to the love of my life, Hexagon Hexamillion for 200 shekels

ALSO*** to the admins, before you take this down, consider leaving it. Somebody has to reaffirm that everyone is welcome and should not be targeted, even if it isn't controversy. Moving this to a different room won't have any affect since the people that need to see this, won't. They will block out what they don't want to hear, even if they need to hear it. Moving or deleting this important post would be an act of silencing. Thank you.