Am I Clingy or Normal?


I’ve been dating my boyfriend for seven months now and we live together in my apartment. I pay rent, groceries, do both of our laundry, cook, clean, everything for both of us, he’s 21 and I’m 20.

He has always been the life of the party, the crazy friend, and I’m just... not. I used to be, but after a few years of dealing with depression and major anxiety, the social scene is sometimes too much for me.

He is totally aware that I have really bad anxiety and that a lot of the time when I accompany him to see his friends, it’s solely for him and is, most of the time, not really fun for me (his crowd is a get-fucked-up-24/7 kind of crowd).

Despite his knowing how hard it is for me to hang with his friends, he’s wanting to hang out with them almost every single day (keep in mind some of these friends live an hour to two hours away, and he’ll still go). I’ve never wanted my personal problems to affect his lifestyle so I’ve always told him he could go even when I really didn’t want to. I genuinely want to be okay with that, but he never chooses to stay with me if there’s another option, and it’s starting to hurt sometimes.

We will make plans and then while I’m getting ready he’ll say that he got invited somewhere and choose to go do that instead, even if I don’t want to go.

There will be times where he’s gone all day long and late into the night when he knows I’m just waiting on him to come back home.

I even tried to compromise further and say that I’m okay with it if he’ll just communicate while he’s gone, but when I’m not with him, there is no texting whatsoever. He goes ghost until he’s back home. I’ve even explained to him multiple times that the not texting drives my anxiety through the roof, but he’s yet to change anything and I feel crazy constantly trying to get him to reply, so I’ve practically stopped altogether.

Also, a lot of the time he lets me know his plans only right before it’s about to happen, which also sucks. And in the times when he gets me to come along with him to see his friends he always does it by promising we can leave by a certain time, but we never do (which he always has an excuse or reason for).

Right now he’s been in a town two hours away since 2:00 yesterday and there’s probably been a cumulative 15 texts between the both of us (it’s 5:12 in the afternoon now)

1) Is there such a thing as spending too much time with friends when you’re living with and off of your significant other, and if so how much?

2) Am I being too clingy because I’m anxious? Is the minimal texting just something I need to get over?

Please note: When he is at the apartment he usually doesn’t wake up until 2 in the afternoon, AND I work, so while we do live together, it isn’t like we’re constantly interacting with one another. I used to have quality time with him at night but now he’s brought his ps4 and plays until way late when he’s home so it seems that even that quality time is going to slowly fade away.