Ttc after a miscarriage


Our first positive test was Nov 5th, we had been trying. I remember being happy and excited when I was pregnant with my first, this was different. I have this euphoric joy overcome me. I was so happy. We had our first ultrasound right at 7weeks. The dr saw the pregnancy sac but couldn’t find the fetus. My heart sank. The dr thought maybe my dates where off but I had this dreadful feeling something was wrong. They were in the middle of moving offices the soonest I could come back was two and a half weeks later. I was freaking out. I was an emotional wreck. My joy had turn to panic and helplessness. There was nothing I could do but wait..... I started spotting, they told me that was normal. Finally the day came I was expecting to either hear a heartbeat or that it wasn’t viable. Instead there was more waiting. The baby was measuring 6w 1d. Logically I knew then. The dates didn’t add up. The dr where still hopeful. I find myself angry with the dr for giving us hope. I know it’s not their fault. We did blood work to measure hcg. The next day I got the answer. I started heavy bleeding. I was sure this was a miscarriage. The blood test confirmed my levels where dropping. A miscarriage for me was about two weeks of cramps and heavy bleeding. It has finally ended. Physically I am back to “normal.” Emotionally I am still a wreck. Im terrified of it happening again. What was the waiting time before trying to conceive again?