SMEP (Sperm Meet Egg Plan)


SMEP Step By Step

Here is your to-do list for the Sperm Meets Egg Plan (SMEP). You should decide to try SMEP within the first week of a new cycle. To get started, you may want to buy a nice calendar or print a calendar page from the internet. The first week of your cycle you will relax and get prepared. After that, it’s go time!

Cycle days 1-7

CD1 is your first day of full flow

Stock up on Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

Stock up on Pregnancy Tests

Mark start dates on your calendar:

CD8 = BD (“Baby Dance”/have intercourse/”try”) every other day until you receive a positive OPK (+OPK)

CD10 daily OPK tests

Cycle day 8

BD, and plan to BD every other day until +OPK

Cycle day 10

Start daily OPK testing until OPK turns positive

+OPK day

BD today, tomorrow, and the next day.

Skip a day and BD one more time.

Mark test day on your calendar: +OPK day + 15 = test day

If OPK never turns positive, BD every other day until your period (AF or “Aunt Flo/Flow”) arrives or until CD35

Test day (or CD35)

If AF has not arrived, take a home pregnancy test

First morning urine (FMU) does not always yield the best results, you may wish to try with your second morning urine (SMU) or an afternoon test after a 3-4 hour hold (no liquids)

Got a BFP (big fat positive)? Share your success story!