Idk what to do about this guy i like, please help!

So i met this guy and he’s so attractive and we have great chemistry. We’ve been talking for a week now but the anticipation is killing me.... i want to make things clear without sounding desperate.... I like things to go a certain way in a relationship and idk if it’s to early to say something about us dating but l just wanna know so i don’t get too attached . W that being said we were suppose to hang out tonight after he went to the bar and he still hasn’t messaged me back. I’m not stupid i know when the bar closes, i still would’ve at least like to know something . Taking stuff into consideration is huge for me like treat me how you wanna be treated you know ? I’m just so stuck on this guy, idk what to do... i feel like i have to say something to make me feel better but idk how to go about it and idk if i sound stupid or what. Please someone help .