Leaking nipples at 10DPO?!! TTC #1


I’m 12dpo now, but at 10 I was massaging my boob over by my armpits because it was really sore. Felt almost like a sore muscle. Massages usually help before AF shows. But this time a few drops of white/clear fluid came out of the right nipple. I thought I was crazy so I hand expressed a little to see if it would happen again (postpartum nurse so I literally do this to other people all the time) and several drops of clear fluid. I haven’t tried again since then because I didn’t wanna stimulate it too much.

So I’ve already emailed my OB, and am waiting for a response since they aren’t open yet. And we had my thyroid checked in late October and everything was fine there so I at least know it’s not that.

Is this normal? I have no children and have never had this before so it’s out of the normal for me. Has anyone else had this then had a BFP? Could it be an early sign or should I be worried?