My husbands family 🙄🙃

Ashley • 02/09/18 Matteo, 01/24/19 Sage

So my husbands my sister is extremely immature for her age (almost 18). We share a amazon prime account with her because she didn’t want to pay for it. That’s honestly whatever to me, but then she starts using my husbands credit card, I can totally understand the first time as it was a mistake. We simply asked her to return it so it could refund us. She never returned it. Over the past couple weeks she has ordered more things, some on her card and a few AGAIN on his. I believe she has no intention of paying him back, nor returning these items. We have a son due in the next couple weeks, and have recently made some big purchases. How do I go about handling this? I have come up with 3 options, her being kicked off of the account (changing the password), 2. Paying us back before she orders anything else, or 3. Cancelling her items until she pays him back the money she owes. I don’t think keeping her on the account is a very smart idea, because she’s already taken the one chance we gave her and ran with it. She clearly cant handle the responsibility of amazon prime right now.