I began to feel these uncomfortable cramps around 2am Christmas Eve, i had no idea this is what cont...

I began to feel these uncomfortable cramps around 2am Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, i had no idea this is what contractions felt like til i googled it and started timing them. First they were every 7-10 mins apart. As the contractions got stronger i told my bf we should def head to the hosp (ps my due date was xmas day and the day before Xmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> i had just went to the doc and they told me she was still high up that they doubted she’d come on her due date and that she would most likely be over due). As I’m prepping to go to the hosp i had to keep peeing and had this weird sensation of pooping. Then i began to have some discharge; this mucusy blood which they say is normal so i decided to shower. Once i got into my bedroom to get dressed i felt this liquid pouring down on the floor and i said oo s*** it’s actually happening! We head to the hosp and their are 4 other pregnant women ahead of me waiting to get checked in. 2 of them were crying, one in a wheel chair and the other walking around desperately screaming. There’s no order it goes by whoever is in worse condition, so i waited for about 2 hours until i finally got in and was seen by a doc. The doc said that I was 3 cm dilated (by this time it’s like 930 am) so my contractions keep getting worse now they’ve become every 2mins apart. I believe we left the small room where they check you at around 11 and got transferred to the labor room. They offered me the epidural but i was still unsure about getting it so I told the nurse I’d wait. My contractions started getting worse every time that it began getting hard to control those deep long breaths you’re supposed to take. I couldn’t take the pain any longer i cried i yelled trying to stay strong and do it natural but i couldn’t anymore they were lasting 2min long and i was getting them a min apart so i gave in and asked for the epidural. I was 8cm dilated by then going through horrible contractions while the anesthesiologist was trying to make me bend forward with this huge belly and relax my shoulders... oo and stay still!! I mean how is that possible???! I tried! He poked me twice one on my lower spine and the second in my mid spine. As soon as he got it in i felt the numbness, my legs were tingly and numb, the pain on my lower back was gone and the pain i felt with every contraction around my belly was gone all i felt was the vaginal part of a contraction but they weren’t As strong. I felt so relaxed and relieved and asked myself why didn’t i get this sooner??... but then i stopped feeling the contractions and by then i was 9cm dilated but not ready to push. The nurse kept giving me oxygen to wake up the baby  but at the end her heart rate dropped. The doctors and nurses tried repositioning me but nothing worked next thing i know they’re making me sign a c section form and rushed me to the OR to save my baby. I was so scared that something bad was going to happen their were about 20 nurses in that room all running around getting prepped. They put me to sleep completely bc the doc said they were running out of time and needed to get the baby out ASAP! When i woke up i was getting pushed to the recovery room asking for my baby but she was in the NICU. She was born 6:03pm xmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> & i didn’t get to see her til 12:30am xmas day. I cried i wanted to see her right away and they kept me in the recovery room for what felt like forever. She  weighed 6lbs 14oz (my sono apt last said 7lbs 5oz). She is beautiful! Even tho it was prob the worse experience in my life! And i went through all that pain just to get a csection, I’d do it all over just for her!