Did I do the wrong thing to my mother?


My mother is a very negative person. Nothing is ever enough for her. I love her but she's just not a very good person.

When I got pregnant with my first my WHOOOLE pregnancy she said how terrible it was going to be, what a huge mistake I made, etc. Basically she never said anything POSITIVE. Btw I'm 20, married, and don't live with her!! So she's just NEGATIVE!

Well I'm pregnant again and I was keeping it a secret from her because I wanted just positive vibes around me. Well my mom was stalking me on a private breastfeeding group on Facebook where I talked about breastfeeding while pregnant. She called me saying how I better not be pregnant, how dare I, blah blah blah. Even sent me pictures she took of me talking about being pregnant on a PRIVATE group!

I told her I'm living my life, she needs to either be positive or I'm not talking to her anymore. keep in mind IM MARRIED AND I DO NOT LIVE WITH HER!

Now she hasn't texted or called me anymore and I feel bad because she is my mother. She basically hated my daughter until I gave birth then she was involved and loved her granddaughter. I just really hate her negativity and I'm trying to cut it out of my life

thoughts? things I could have done better?