announcing tonight!! *update

Alexandria • 💙4/10/18 👼💙 HELLPS Survivor

I am so so ready for this!!!!

Making a simple dinner for my mom, bf's mom and her husband, my bf and me tonight and having them over under the impression that finally the late Christmas gifts are in!!

Onesies in Christmas bags and I'll have the ultrasounds to show as well.

So nervous and so excited I could almost not eat. (but let's face it I'm starving currently, again 🙄😂)

I don't have pictures of the onesies themselves but these are what we found on Amazon that we loved!! great products too!

also we aren't sure of the gender so we went as unisex as we could while still having cute individuals for everyone

things went very very well. ❤️❤️ the moms were shocked and tearing up while his step dad was all smiles. after the shock wore off and they asked me some questions they have is each big hugs. my mom went to my so first and he started crying. finally some emotion from him 💙💙💙 and his mom to me. my SO has two other kids and their mom likes to play games and won't let him see them so she is TERRIFIED of me doing the same she begged me not to keep the baby from her. my heart shattered. I knew she would but man... my heart still aches in pain... I swore to get up and down I would never do that to a child nor the grandparents. I plan on getting her a grandmother's necklace with all three of her grandkids' birth stones as a promise of sorts and making a collage of pictures

my mom however it's giddy as all get out. she even took the onesie we have her to work and hung it on her wall 😂

everyone is so happy and excited.
