My first birth in 2013

Amanda • Second Pregnancy 🤰👣❤ Married to my best friend 👰🤵🏿 Can't wait for this adventure! ❤

It was a Friday night, I didn't go to work because I felt weird so I just hung out with my sister and watch movies. As we're watching our movie I started to feel some pains kind of like light cramps. so we started timing them, within two hours they went from 12min apart to 4min apart. At that point it was pretty late and I decided I should try to go lay down and go to sleep. so I lay down but they are now fluctuating from 2min to 5min apart and lasting about 30 to 45seconds long and pretty intense at this point.. so I didn't sleep at all im just waiting for everyone to wake up... Finally everyone starts waking up and it's a reasonable time to call my doula and let her know I'm in labor, She comes by a couple hours later and says that I'm doing good and that my contractions are pretty close together and we should go in to check if I'm dilated far enough. We find out I'm only 2cm so i go back home and continue to labor, at this point my contractions are 1min apart lasting 45seconds and they are VERY intense. we go back in on Saturday morning and I'm only 2.5cm dilated, we go back in Saturday evening and I'm still the same. So I go back home and continue to do labor, taking hot baths, going on walks, bouncing on my ball, at this point im exhausted havent slept for two days going on 3 days. On Sunday I continued to do hard back labor and get thru it, Finally Sunday even happens and I am like okay I feel like my insides are gonna come out let's go in. Finally I'm barely at 4cm but my blood pressure is very high, so they monitor me for an hour or so finally decide to get me into a room. I get my water broken and then my epidural and I'm awake and relaxed for like an hour then I fell asleep for 4 hrs woke up to contractions again, I got checked and I was 10cm ready to go, I then was like What? already? okay let's do this!! they have me push on my left side and then a few more pushes and 30min later my beautiful daughter arrived at 12:39am on October 21, 2013 (on her due date and my grandma's birthday, who is also on longer with us) at 7lbs 8oz and very healthy. I was so happy that she was finally here, she sure did take her time in there to come out. 😍😍😍😍😍 This was my first child and now im pregnant again 4 years later and i cant wait to do it all over again. 🤗🤰😍