the.biatch.*611 • Angel momma with 3 living girls ❤️ born August 2018 and May 2020 and August 2022💝🙈 Angel babies 2016 2017 2023

I'm over the moon to announce I have a really a sticky bean 😍 Went for my ultrasound yesterday and according to my lmp I would only be 7 weeks 3 days and baby measured just shy of 8 weeks 😭👣 baby's amazing . looks so cute lol heart beat was 129 and strong 😍👣💓 heres my little babe 😍👣

OB appointment in two weeks when I'm around 10 weeks 😍😍👣💓 feels so surreal but I'm loving every second of it .

ps. I announced it on scial media I could wait any more 😭🙏💭👀💓

Mommy and Daddy love and cherish you already peanut 👣💓😍