moving into a apartment or house at 18?


backstory: my boyfriend and I haven't been together for 3 months yet. we are both 18 and in our senior year of high school and he's in the Army reserves. we are so close that it feels like 3 years and I know that's immature to say but it does! we are open and honest about everything and we have talked about moving in together once he's back from skill training in August. he lost his dad at a young age and has lost a lot of family and he always gets nervous he's going to lose me. I feel like he's moving so fast because he's scared. I'm nervous to move in but also I'm so frustrated with fighting with my step mom and he will he getting paid for his summer training and I am planning on getting a full time job starting this summer as a technical partner at a local hospital, since I have CNA. He has been looking at apartments houses and town houses. I don't want to move to fast that I end up hurt or we end up struggling to pay for our choices. he loves to jump the gun a lot and has a horrible time saving money. I love him dearly and want to start our own lives together but I'm just so scared to leave my home where my parents provide for me to being all by ourselves buying everything. August is 8 months away I may feel better by then. but what do you think? is it a good thing to start my own life? or should i stay home and save up?