Husband has no ambition. WWYD


What would you do?

My husband recently told me how much he wished we could live with his parents. Pay less bills, have a babysitter, live in a house with a yard and get to work less. I know that some people choose to do this but he intends it as a permanent solution so he can stay home and play video games.

I am a bit concerned because he was fired from a good career job for not going into work and taking too much time off. He never told me how much time had taken off or that he had been written up several times because of it. Just told me one day he did not get a paycheck which left us in a bad spot.

He now works at Starbucks 30-35 hr week. I have been trying to get him to see that a different job would afford us a better life. He now makes $1300 less a month than he used to. We are doing ok paying our bills but he has made it clear he considers this his new career and does not plan to get a better job. He complains I am being materialistic. We get by because we are on government assistance which he has stated he is fine with us staying on as long as we need it.

I have been looking for a better job myself and going to job fairs but have had no luck yet.

I keep talking to him and getting no where. I feel like I have no future. Please give me advice, anything.