Confused, Worried, Need ADVICE

Julie • 20 y/o, Happy Wife, Stay at home Mom, 1 year old DS, pregnant with baby #2 💙💗

My son is 7 months old. My mother keeps making me feel worried that he may have a speech delay.

Here are some helpful facts that you could think about to give me some advice.

-He knows his name and engages when you call him.

-he makes good eye contact

-he grabs for toys

-he loves to laugh and smile

-he does occasionally coo but its not as often as my mother thinks it should be and I don’t think he’s anywhere close to a mama or first word. She says he’s a really quite baby and it’s “worrisome”

-he loves new things to see, songs to hear, and is very good at entertaining himself but still does want attention when he wants it.

Side note: What does this stuff mean?

-He can sit up for a long time if you put him in the position but doesn’t yet get there himself

-he can get up on hands and knees but he doesn’t go anywhere

- he can stand holding onto the couch but again can’t get there himself you have to put him there but he will do it for a long time

- also if you hold his hands and walk with him he will take steps.

-also is doing a great job using a sippy cup on his own

I just feel like he’s working on so many big things but my mom makes me worry. I think he is doing just fine and seems normal to me but I see some other babies younger or around the same age doing some things that he’s not. I know every baby is different but I just don’t know what I should and shouldn’t worry about. The doctor said kids will move and talk when they feel like it and not to worry. He said that he’s developing on track. Any advice from other moms though?