My Birth Story (from October)

Kristine • Mommy to Cadence Ella born 10/12/17 ♥️ Sutler Dani Rose born 4/9/19 ♥️ Banks Jocelyn born still on 8/8/2021👼🏼💔

I was scheduled to be induced on my due date, October 12th at 7 AM. I had done all the tricks for weeks leading up to my induction because I REALLY wanted to go naturally. Well, the morning of the 12th at 2 AM, I woke up to go pee (as usual) and my water broke on the bowl!

I woke my husband, he called the doc, and I jumped in the shower. Btw, your water CONTINUES to break for hours! I had to go in with a towel in between my legs. We packed up and headed to the hospital. I tested positive for GBS, so I had to get there fairly quickly because my water broke and needed to be put on Antibiotics.

We got to the hospital around 3:30AM, they took FOREVER to get my Iv in to get me antibiotics and start me on pitocin. I was 3 CM upon arrival.

I wanted to try all natural, but 8 hours in i was only 5 CM, exhausted, and now in excruciating pain. I tried some drugs they put in your IV and that helped for about an hour(I was able to take a short nap), then they tried to give me more and it did NOTHING. then I decided to get an epidural. THAT WAS THE WORST!! Putting in the epidural was awful! I hated the catheter, and the feeling of not having any feeling.

Another EIGHT HOURS passed and I knew if she didn’t come soon, they were going to take her.. I started to develop a serious fever they couldn’t get down and baby C’s heart rate started to go up. After 17 hours they did one last check because I said “I felt like I had to poop “, and I was ready to push! I did one practice push and the Dr had to scrub up! 15 minutes and 5 pushes later, I delivered a 9lb6oz baby girl!

I was so out of it, I didn’t realize both baby girl and I had infections and fevers

They took her away and immediately put an IV in, which was awful for us to see. She then developed jaundice which only added to the stress. After weeks of going to the doctors and lots of meds, we were both healthy and happy! My recovery was awful and there’s SO MUCH they don‘t tell you! Everything was way harder than I thought it would be, but it was sooo worth it! If you’re GBS positive, make sure they get you the antibiotics quick
