Glucose testing advice


My time to take the dreaded glucose test has come. I have a very weak stomach and can't stand anything that tastes gross and am afraid of throwing up the drink. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for the best way to drink it? Cold or room temp? Sip it or chug it? Any advice is welcome and apperciated!*UPDATE* Thank you all for the advice! I asked for it cold, took a straw with me and just drink it as fast as I could. Lasted the whole hour and as soon as they drew the blood proceeded to puke up everything that was left in my stomach. So glad it happened after the rest though. Very nervous to get my results back. Also had a growth ultrasound today and both of the twins are measuring over a week ahead. I'm at 27w 1d. Baby A measured 28w 3d at 2lb 7 oz and baby B measured 28w 5d at 2lb 11oz. US tech said not to be surprised if I failed the GD testing. Wont find out the results until Jan 26th.