I’m scared


I woke up this morning feeling fine. Just a tad of anxiety. My husbands getting ready to leave for work when my heart starts pounding. I took my blood pressure which was high, but that’s normal for me. My pulse was 147bpm. This was over an hour ago and my pulse is now 140bpm. I’m light headed and feel like I was hyperventilating but I wasn’t . My throat is extremely tight. Almost painful. I’ve taken the medication I’m supposed to. A few weeks ago I started taking my Prozac again. Last year the Prozac gave me horrendous anxiety attacks. Multiple times a week. I haven’t been in to see a psychiatrist since we moved up North I’m just scared. What is happening to me? Is it separation anxiety? I think this is a panic attack but I don’t know why. I’ve never had them before. Somebody help. Do I need to go to the ER? I’d feel silly if the panic stops. Fml.