Social Media- Need HELP!


I need help. Two months ago my boyfriend ended our relationship. We had been together a year and 2 months and had known each other for 3 at work. Right before breaking up I had quit my job to start school and we moved into a rented home together. He travels for work 80% of the year. I thought we were both serious about each other and a future. Especially based on what he said. The reason he said our relationship was over was because I was asking for too much by wanting him to look for a position that would keep him closer to home. I’m talking a year or two out, when we would want kids. He refused to talk about it or work through it. Everyone was very confused and said most partners will talk things through.

I had my thoughts that he was looking for a reason out of the relationship and he finally found one and could use me to be the bad guy. Well. I think I was right.

I hadn’t removed him yet from social media because I thought we could be friends or that we could rekindle one day. I should have known better. Well I logged in to social media yesterday evening and he’s with some girl now. He’s 30, she’s 22. He always said he couldn’t imagine dating someone so young. But that’s whatever. What floored me and regressed all the progress I had made with being depressed from the break up was how it all made sense. This had to have been the reason for the break up. It’s only been 2 months. In those 2 months he’s been traveling for work and spent the holidays in Georgia with his mom. This girl is from a city in PA we are 2 hours from. So obviously he either met her on one of his projects OR they work together. I know I shouldn’t have looked but based on what I could see on her limited profile on Facebook she was in a relationship also last year until at least October. It just all seems wrong.

It’s sent me into a tailspin of thoughts and emotions. So much anger and sadness. I feel such deception. He posted a pic of them on Snapchat.

My question is how do you force yourself to remove someone from social media? Before I was keeping him on in hopes of rekindling one day. I truly thought he had believed everything he said to me and that he was sad about the break up too and thinking of me. Clearly not. He was already moving forward. Or had already moved forward before the break up. So I know there’s no hope, not do I think I can ever be with him again, so what’s holding me back? Why can’t I just unfriend?