Two extremes 😓

My boyfriend was on unemployment for awhile and super lazy/lax actually the same timing I was pregnant two years ago now. I was very worried but I worked. Since then I helped him start up his own business. Things started slow then picked up. He's in construction/odd jobs. Anyway I was dreading winter thinking he would have no work. I'm mostly a stay at home mom. I've been looking for a part time job for awhile but I recently had a lap done and I'm on meds for endo so Im not feeling the best. Between taking care of baby 24/7, the housework, laundry, dishes, three animals I basically am working. Well fast forward, to my surprise my boyfriends been EXTREMELY busy with work. I haven't had any help with baby or things around here I can't do alone. I've been asking him for weeks to stay home a Saturday and help me clean/ groceries/ maybe a break for me to get out. I have zero friends or family to help out. We only have one vehicle to which he always has. We all had bad colds over the holidays and the flu last week so I need help deep cleaning like scrubbing floors/shower and things but it's impossible with a one year old and dogs running around.Well we've been arguing so much over it. All I ask him is for ONE day. He says I'm being ridiculous to have him "take work off just to help you". Like are you kidding me??? Most people have a day or two off work a week. Although I'm happy he's been working now it's like I'm a single parent. He doesn't get it. Like yes one of us needs to work to pay bills but he's like double and triple working. My LO has been waking up constantly for months and I've gotten no sleep. I'm so exhausted and my body's so tired. I've told him over and over I do need help once n awhile or even a break to drive around alone and get some peace but it's like he doesn't get it.😩 I love being able to stay home with my son but sometimes I think he feels his only part in the relationship is working. End vent.