

Two days before Christmas I experienced some slight spotting and some pretty significant cramping. after calling in to the nurses help line, I was told to go to the ER. While there they took an internal ultrasound and where we thought based on my LMP I would be 8 weeks, I was only measuring at 6 weeks 2 days and they couldn't find anything inside my uterus. My beta levels on that day were 19,000 and they wanted me to come back to the ER for a blood drawer on Christmas. Christmas rolls around and we spent our usual morning with my in-laws, but started getting so anxious that we left early to go get the levels drawn. The levels that day were 22,000. I was still very wary because they hadn't raised as much as they should have. My OB called me later on and told me they were concerned it could be an ectopic pregnancy and told me if I started bleeding or cramping extremely bad to come to the ER because it could be life threatening. 😑 I went back for one more blood draw the Friday after Christmas and my levels were at 33,000 and the doctor brought up an ectopic pregnancy again as well as a blighted ovum and wound up scheduling another internal ultrasound for the 8th of January. I was so scared and hopeful all at once and that two week wait was harder than any other two week wait I have ever experienced. So yesterday, the 8th, rolls around and we went in for the ultrasound. Unfortunately I do have a blighted ovum. The staff were phenomenal to both myself and my SO. I was offered tissues, a hug, allowed to ask any questions I wanted and they made sure to tell my SO that this was his baby as well and we both can and should grieve. I started having a panic attack and the nurse was able to ground me by reading word by word from a miscarriage pamphlet. I could not have asked for better care. I now am scheduled for a D&C; on Thursday just because it gave me the most peace of mind. So far this has been extremely hard because I don't have a large support group. If anyone is willing to talk, I would really appreciate it. Thank you ladies 💕