Sick baby advice please


I’m a FTM with a 3.5 month old. Can you read this info on him and tell me if you think I should take him to the doc?

He’s had a mild cold for a week, still sleeping through the night despite a few coughs here and there and the highest temp he’s had is 100.3 rectal just once otherwise he’s seems just content and energetic and normal.

He does still have a bit of a cough, more sneezing than normal, some congestion in his throat, and struggles a bit with bottle feeding. This morning, no fever, but he’s sticking out his tongue a bunch and making hoarse coos with a dry throat, but my throat is always the worst with post nasal drip at the end of a cold so I’m thinking I shouldn’t worry....?

I called the doc last Friday to ask for advice if he worsened over the weekend and they said to bring him in this week if he still had symptoms, even if he didn’t have a fever, and that they’d swab him for RSV. (I went to a clinic for me last week and they ruled out flu and strep and said it was just a cold so I know he didn’t get either of those.)

What do you think? Should I take him to the doctor? He doesn’t seem bothered by any of his mild symptoms and I’d rather not expose him to cold/flu bugs at the doc office if he’ll just clear up on his own at home.

He seems happy to me :)