Period food cravings....


I’m curious as to what everyone’s go to cravings are when needing that extra bit of comfort during your cycle.

I’m always craving salt and I know when I’ve overdone it because I can feel it in my joints.

Top of my list is:

Hot melty cheese, double cheeseburgers, Parma ham.

Then it’s all about the spicy in veggie or chicken enchiladas or quesadillas with piri piri sauce.

If I’m after something sweet:

I go to fruit smoothies with pineapple, fruit jello/jelly with fruit in ie raspberry or tropical. And I like an oatmeal flapjack or fruit crumble with loads of non dairy cream

I crave a glass of wine more at this time too. I’m not usually big drinker as I’ve gotten older.

Being dairy intolerant bites but thankfully Ive found great non dairy alternatives.