Maybe preggers?!


So starting maybe 2 days ago I started experiencing random acid reflux that made me feel really nauseous to the point of having to run to the bathroom and get sick. The acid reflux and heartburn has been present since then and I still have random pangs of nausea. For example, last night I was sitting on the couch with my fiancé and out of nowhere I just started feeling very nauseous and had to run to the bathroom. I’ve also had tender breasts and nipples, random headaches everyday, dizziness, fatigue and lots of gas (both ends). I’m pretty sure I’m around 9 or 10 DPO but I haven’t been very good at tracking it. This morning I took an HPT and it was a BFN but later on this evening, i went pee and when I wiped, there was just the slightest bit of pink discharge. It wasn’t enough to go on my underwear but I saw it on the toilet paper. I didn’t have any more for a while and then around midnight, I wiped and it was now a brownish tinge to it and was stringy but not heavy at all (sorry for the tmi). Now I know you guys can’t tell me yes or no whether I’m pregnant but I just wanted to know if any of you experienced this before?? I never experienced any of these symptoms before my period so I don’t believe they are just pms.