Friend bitching about another friend

Sorry if this is the wrong group for this.

One of my friends has been speaking badly of another good friend of mine to me recently. They haven’t been getting on as he (the friend who is doing the bitching) was rude to her on a night out and very harsh and disrespectful, bringing up some traumatic things that have happened to her and she was really hurt by what he said.

She spoke to me about this and I’m really angry with him for it, they’re supposedly best friends so I was shocked by what she told me.

Since then he keeps moaning about her, saying everything she does irritates him and trying to get me to agree. I never do and always stand up for her. I’ve always been closer to him than I was her but recently I see her as a much better friend and am now going off him, and so are our other friends.

Should I tell her that he’s being so nasty or leave it? I feel awful when o hear him badmouthing her but don’t want her to be upset and hurt anymore. She’s not doing anything wrong, he’s just picking at parts of her personality that have never bothered me or anyone else in our friendship group.

I’m not a very confrontational person and he really is, he’s very defensive and argumentative and I don’t know how to approach this without creating some kind of drama. Anyone else dealt with this before?