Tell me this is real!!!!


So I removed my implant on the 30th of October. We starting trying straight away. As my period was irregular for the last 3 years, I didn’t know when I would be ovulating. In November I started tracking every symptom and we tried to have sex on the days I thought I was ovulating. I thought that I was pregnant as I was having “symptoms” but my period came on the 17th of December, (my first son bday).

After that, I decided that I didn’t want to get too excited. it was my first cycle trying but I was already anxious and stressed. So based on glow and Flo apps I would be ovulating on the 28th of December. So we only tried that day. I thought if it happens good, if no we will try next month. For the next 2 weeks I didn’t oversymptom or even think about it.

On the 6th of January (Saturday), we went to see my sister in law. She has a big dog that normally gets angry when people are around. We arrived and the dog started to get anxious, after a while the dog came a put his head on my stomach. I thought maybe I’m pregnant and the dog can sense something ?🤔

On Sunday I was feeling really angry with my partner. I cried all afternoon and I even had an argument with my brother and his girlfriend over nothing. I also thought, this happened in my first pregnancy, maybe I’m pregnant? But again, I stopped thinking about it as I didn’t want to get excited.

Monday and Tuesday I was sooo tired 😖. Sleeping 10h and feeling more tired the next day. Today (10th of January) my period had to start but I thought, my period is irregular maybe it would come in a few days. I also had period pains 2 days ago so I thought it was normal. But something inside of me was telling me to test. So I woke up and I had a pregnancy test done and after 5 seconds it was positive 😱😱😩😭😭!!!!!! I told my husband, he was getting ready to go to work and he got so happy!! I tested once more just in case and it was positive too!!! I couldn’t believe it, I was shaking!!

So base on my last period I’m 4 weeks 1 day, but I think I’m 11-12DPO!!!

I didn’t know I could get pregnant so quick. After reading comments in here I thought that it would take me a while, specially after removing my implant.

I hope you get your BFP really soon and can share your story with me!!! I’ll be more than happy to read how you realise you get pregnant! God bless you!!