My perfect baby girl was born 1-8-18 weighing exactly 8oz

My perfect baby girl was born 1-8-18 weighing exactly 8oz.. let me tell you what, delivery is no joke! Birth is very hard! I was in early labor for 2 days, then active labor for about 12 hrs. I stayed at about 5cm for quite a while. Then slowly progressed to a 6 and at that point I was ready for an epidural!! Nobody tells you epidurals hurt, but they do! But I think it’s because I had like 3 contractions while I was getting it in. My epidural worked for my back labor, and my contractions however I felt everything in my vagina when I was pushing! I pushed for 3 hrs... THREE HOURS!!!! I was so tired!! But she finally made her appearance at 5:08!!!! And she’s just so perfect! I just love her so much! ❤️🎀