18 year old housewife help please

I’m living with my long time boyfriend this summer while he works out of state from our families, and I’m rather nervous to be a “housewife”. I would prefer the term “stay at home Mom” but we have no kids yet 😅. I am taking two classes online in the summer, and learning the basics of a language on my own. Other than cleaning, laundry, cooking, working out, reading, studying the Bible and of course studying and taking my classes, what should I do in the day? Don’t know the area and won’t have a car so I won’t be able to get a job, plus my parents don’t want me to have one so I won’t be distracted from the classes (I think they will be pretty easy though). Any particular hobby you ladies enjoyed? Any tips or tricks or advice? Should I automatically have dinner ready or wait to what he wants? He is paying my share of rent and such, I just want to do the best I can. Thank you! And please don’t say “you should bring yourself to your full potential by working or going to school” because I’m a full time college student during the school year and I’m rather looking forward to my summer break :)