implantation bleeding or really light period

I've been on birth control almost a decade, I've never missed a period although recently (last 2 years maybe) my period starts closer to the end of the week and ends on Sunday since that's when my new pack starts. I don't take the pill the way I'm supposed to and my husband and I have unprotected sex. I missed a whole week because I couldn't get my new pack and I think we had sex during that time. now I am on my period week and I think I'm only spotting. It's light pink discharge that only appears when I wipe. I also had hot flashes and slight nausea over the weekend. the nausea I wasn't concerned about because I usually get nauseated before my period. I had mild cramps (nothing since) and the feeling of doing crunches when I didn't on Monday. It's now Thursday and I usually have more cramps astound this time. Its also imporant to note I've never had hot flashes not have I ever had the feeling of doing crunches when I never worked out. My husband and I are ok with having kids, although we planned to wait a little bit longer, I'm just not sure if this is normal to skip a period when on the pill or if it's implantation bleeding, or if the spotting really is my period. I know I'll need to take the test if it stays the same, but I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this and if they ended up being pregnant.