New Moms Group stress

I started going to a New Moms group when my baby was 12 weeks old. Now she is 8 ans half months old. It was great the first 2-3 months. She is the oldest baby in the group. They are all just weeks apart. In the beginning was great to have people to talk about the same issues or concerns. Right now is just stressful. Every time I go I get the same questions. "Why is she not crawling?", "Is she sleeping thru the night?" "Does she have teeth" following by "I thought she already did/have, since she is the oldest in the group, because John who's younger than her already does/have that". I'm so fed up, because I dont get to share any of my actual concerns. I leave the place super worried and stress. Why some moms are so competitive?. I just have 2 more sessions with this group and I'm done. I feel bad for my baby because she loves to play with the other kids, but I gues we can find other places.