Lip tie and reflux/gas?


Hi moms! Specifically looking for advice/opinions from moms who’s little ones have had a lip tie as well as gas/reflux.

So my 8 week old son has had major gas and reflux issues for basically his whole little life, and he has never been able to latch to nurse (i exclusively pump). He’s on all sorts of meds and not much seems to help. We also tried different formulas which made him worse, as well as restricting my diet. He has never been evaluated for a lip or tongue tie. I know he doesn’t have a tongue tie because he can stick his tongue out. But I looked today and I think he has a lip tie. I’m going to call his ped this morning. I have heard that gas and reflux issues can be related to a lip tie. Have any moms here had a baby with gas and/or reflux issues that got better after a lip tie revision?! Also, if so can you please include a picture of your little ones’ lip tie so I can see how it looks compared to my son’s. Thanks!! His is below, but it’s hard to get a picture because he never stops moving!