Trouble letting go


So my long term boyfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me this past weekend. I’ve been handling it okay I guess. There are random moments where I just start crying and times where I feel perfectly fine.

The one issue I am having is letting go of the promise ring he gave me.. I’ve worn that promise ring every single day for 2 and a half years now and I feel sick to my stomach and start to get really bad anxiety at the mere thought of taking it off. A friend of mine suggested wearing it on the same finger but on my other hand as a baby step to get used to it not being where I want it to be before I feel like I can go without it, but I tried and it felt weird and I put it back on the original finger.

Another friend suggested getting a new ring for myself to symbolize a promise to myself rather than keeping the ring that symbolizes a promise to him..

It’s a good idea, but it hurts to think about doing..

I’ve given so much of my life to this man and saw my future with that has been taken away..

Anyways, I know I need to take the ring off...but it hasn’t even been a week since he ended things. I don’t know what to do. My emotions are everywhere and I miss him so much.. taking the ring off just makes it way too real. That I really did lose the love of my life..