Hyphenated last name? (Read discription first plz)


I love my last name. I really love it. I’ve always wanted my kids to have my last name, but i want them to have my SO’s as well, of course. How dumb is it to hyphenate their last name? Essentially for every day life kiddo would use daddy’s last name, but legally i kind of just want it hyphenated but fear its just too much.

Is there a certain order it should go in, like mine first then his, or vice versa?

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Posted at
I think it depends on both last names. You also have to think about forms- if it's too long it won't fit in forms and documents which causes problems all around. If it is long I would say give baby your maiden name as a middle name


Jessica • Jan 11, 2018
Very true, thank you!


Posted at
Why not must make it a second middle name. Hyphenating is a pain in the ass. I wanted to honour my dad but I didn't like his first name lol so I used his last name which is "fox" for a middle name. I'm sure people think it's a strange middle name but seriously how often do you ever say anyone's middle name. I don't recommend a hyphenated name...but that's just me


Jessica • Jan 11, 2018
This is what I did for myself when I got married, and what I did for my kids as well. So much easier than hyphenating


Jessica • Jan 11, 2018
That is a good idea. Would make easier for some things for sure!


Posted at
As a kid that had a hyphenated last name I vote against it. I don’t even have a middle name and it was always a pain for me. Especially when I got married and wanted to keep my dads last name, but not my mothers. They said since it was hyphenated it counted as one name, and I couldn’t split it.


Posted at
I’m using my last name as bubs middle name if it’s a boy. I know a few people who’ve done that. Could that be an option?


Jessica • Jan 12, 2018
My last name really doesn’t sound like a middle name and i already have middle names picked out that i love..but it could be a second middle name..


Posted at
If you hyphenate, you're effectively creating s new last name with both components. There's really no need to hyphenate if you're not planning to have you LO use the hyphenated version on a daily basis. We're going to give my LO both of our last names unhyphenated (mine first) so that they both appear on legal documents but for day to day, he'll only use his father's last name. I have 2 other friends who've done this and it works well to preserve the connection while ensuring your LO doesn't have a crazy long surname.


Posted at
My baby has a double barrelled last name. My SO’s first then mine


Posted at
His then yours in Mexico this is still tradition and why we have so many darn names lol


Jessica • Jan 11, 2018
Haha! Thank you!!