How many treatments of IUI did you have to do?


Please tell me your <a href="">IUI</a> stories. My husband and I will be starting <a href="">IUI</a> next month😭. I’m so nervous. Any good link to how it works in-depth would be appreciated too. I keep googling and reading but I want to know more. Haha I’m a bit obsessive compulsive. I’ve been in a funk these last 8months when we took a few month break. I’m going to start having faith again! This will work! Please send baby dust. If you’re starting <a href="">IUI</a> next month please, let’s be friends! Neither family nor friends know about our infertility issues. Help me not be so alone! Husband is rooting for twins. I’m over here scared to death, I never ever wanted kids tell I met my husband and my stepson. Happy husband, happy life 😝😍😇

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