Successful pregnancy right after MC??

Britt • 👦🏼💙 May 27, 2016 ;👼🏼 12weeks Nov 2017 ; 🌈 💙🧒🏼March 8, 2020 💖👶🏻 Aug 3, 2021

Has anyone gotten pregnant right after a miscarriage? How did you know? I just took a few different brand tests and all are now positive.

I swear I got 2 negative tests from the dollar store right before my cycle returned last Tuesday (2nd). I now am getting positive tests on multiple brands. Super faint on dollar store but stronger on the blue dye and regular tests. I had negative clearblue advanced OPK tests the beginning of the week and then high flashing tests and then a peak test today. I am so frustrated because i don’t know what’s going on with my body. I feel like it’s impossible it could be a new pregnancy.

My period returned on last Tuesday and Wednesday I bled a lot- no clots just bled. Then Thursday nothing- not even a sign of my period. Then on Friday I had a little bit of old blood spotting. On Tuesday of this week when I wiped I noticed a brownish pink discharge. I just feel like I don’t know what’s going on and that I’ll never even know if I’m pregnant again because I’ll always think the tests are left over.

I know logically wait and see if they get darker.