Mother-In-Law issues??!! 😬😠😡


am i the only one that has issues like this.. smfh.. it aint the first time either.. its dumb shit but it urks me.. i told my boyfriends mom i was gonna buy rice cuz i was gonna make food foe him before he went to work, i specifically said i was gonna make pork and rice and what does she do.. we go to stop and shop and she buys rice which is koo cuz theres no rice at all.. but she buys fkn pork .. so i drop off at home to go pick up my daughter, and by the time i come back sje already has food cooking.. like i cant say ima cook cuz she goes and gets ahead of me to do it before i do..what gets me more mad is that it aint the first time, like I wanna cook for Him, and when i say i am i cant do it cuz she does.. and makes about the same thing i was.. soo my food is gonna go to waste.. i shoulda just saved my money and not buy anything .. am I just trippin like making a big deal out of it or what?? .. like i feel like i cant play my role as his girl/wife, maybe she should be his wife...smfh .. * nobody has cookes in like 2 wks, we been getting take out, but the day i wanna cook, booom i cant cuz she does .. smh lol *