Complications with birth control pill, help!

So I need a little help..I was prescribed a few days ago the pill dianette to help with my acne, I was never told when and how I should take it so I presumed I could just start straight away so I did that but now having read up on it discovered that I was supposed to start it on the first day of my period, oops 😬 but anyway I continued taking now my period is 6 days late (side note:my periods are generally very regular) i haven't been having sex since I've gone on it but i did at around the end of December but I don't think there was a chance I've been impregnated! Should I take a test? Is it just the pill messing with my hormones because I took it wrong?? What effect will having taken the pill wrong have on me? If any of you girlies know anything about this or experienced anything like it I'd be so grateful of your advice xx