Really struggling

Leisha • Pregnant 🤰🏼 due October 2018 💓baby girl💓 🍼👶🏼👣

Hi everyone In September of last year me and my partner found out we were blissfully pregnant. All I could think about was this little one growing inside my belly. We started changing our lives around to accommodate our little one. On october 2nd I started to bleed I went for a scan and saw the heartbeat which was a relief. I kept bleeding but I didn’t have any clots. on October the 9th I went for another scan and found that our little miracle was no longer there. We were completely heartbroken to say the least as we tried for 18 months before we caught. We didn’t really know what to think about anymore I felt quite numb. I am now so frightened that we won’t get another opportunity to be parents. Am I being irrational? Just need some words of wisdom. I do suffer with depression and this has just set me back massively.