

So right after New Years my boyfriend and I found out his contract at his current post was cut 5 months short. Now he’s getting deployed in July. He plans on moving out to San Diego in May. So he asked me to come too... now I’m stuck... do I go or not.

After thinking, we would be out there for two months and then he leaves for 7 months. My theory is that i will be alone in Cali while he’s deployed. And I don’t know if I’m ready for it. But then if I stay here in Va I risk the chances of having immediate family issues. My family and I are already having issues and staying here will cause more issues.

Or what if we don’t work and we end things while he’s deployed... which most likely won’t happen since we plan on getting married and building a family together.

So I’m here as a prospective military wife... how do y’all handle deployments? What are some secrets or tricks?