Thinking I might actually be pregnant but no BFP yet!


Been having lots of pregnancy symptoms past few days including acid reflux, gas, heartburn, nausea, headaches, tender breasts and fatigue. I’ve also experienced what seems like a really weird period or maybe implantation. Whenever I would bleed it wouldn’t be heavy, it would be like a dark brown/red and it was never heavy enough to even reach the pad. It would come and go and I’ve had it for the past 2 days. Now I realized my Areola are looking a little puffy and my right nipple I squeezed a little and yellowish discharge came out while clear discharge came out of my left nipple. Could these all be signs of pregnancy? I was due for my period yesterday but all I had was a very light discharge which is unlike my usual period which is normally quite heavy. Have taken like 4 HPT’s but all were BFN.