Decreased movements...

Shirley • Married 💍 Third Time Mom♥️ 1st Baby born 01-25-2018 👧🏻 2nd Baby born 06/24/2020; 3rd Baby - Miscarriage; 4th Baby - Medical Termination diagnosis of Turner’s Syndrome

At my office visit yesterday while having my NST she didn't move much. The doctor came in & made me drink water to see if she would move a bit. She had a few movements then for 10 mins nothing. Now i'm up paranoid because I knew she wasn't moving much. My doc told me to keep an eye out because I told her I wasn't feeling her much. I don't want to be that mom that goes to the hospital for everything. This little girl is just worrying me! I'm 37 + 2 so at least she's full term. I'm going to do a kick count & if nothing changes, I'm calling my office.