Welp, crap...


I was totally confident they were going to confirm this guy/girl was head down this morning (35 weeks tomorrow), since the last 3 appointments all of the midwives I’ve seen said they thought that’s what he/she was...yeah of course they were wrong and he/she is breach. Crap.

I’m calling a chiropractor/acupuncturist that is know for helping babies flip, also checking out spinning babies, doing inversions etc. Anything I’m missing?

My practice has one person who will do vaginal breach births, under certain circumstances and even if he gave me the green light I’d likely have to be induced because of course he isn’t on call 24 hours/7 days a week. I know it’s by far not the worst thing no matter what happens, but I’ve been plannning/preparing for a natural birth and this wasn’t what I wanted to hear. My BP is also creeping up, so this appointment was just lovely. Thanks, everyone.